Startseite > LGF-Promotionskolleg > Multiple Reformations? The Heidelberg-Notre Dame Dialog on the Legacies of the Reformation
  • Multiple Reformations? The Heidelberg-Notre Dame Dialog on the Legacies of the Reformation

    On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this interdisciplinary project is bringing together a group of theologians and historians from the universities of Heidelberg and Notre Dame, the leading Catholic university in North America. We will be meeting four times from 2016 to 2018 (in Rome, Heidelberg, Chicago und Jerusalem) to discuss the following questions. a) How do we interpret and assess the Reformation as a historical and theological event, as a historiographic category, and as a cultural myth from the perspective of different disciplines and confessional traditions? b) What are the long-term global legacies of the Reformation as manifest in the development of distinct Christian world religions and competing confessional cultures, producing different types of modernities? To compare different confessional modernities we will look at how Catholic and Protestant theologies and lived religions interacted with the development of modern empires and nation-states, with the emergence of the natural, historical and biblical sciences, as well as with divergent legal cultures and traditions in education and social welfare. c) Finally, the colloquia will also address the challenging question regarding how the Reformation should be commemorated (or can be celebrated) from an ecumenical perspective today.


    Themes and Venues of the Colloquia

    March 6-10, 2016, Rome (Notre Dame, Global Gateway): “The Many Faces of the Reformationâ€

    September 22-25, 2016, Heidelberg (Heidelberg Center for American Studies): “Multiple Modernities? Confessional Cultures and the Many Legacies of the Reformationâ€

    March 12-15, 2017, Chicago (Notre Dame Center): “Multiple Reformations and the Authority and Interpretation of Scriptureâ€

    March 11-14, 2018, Jerusalem (Tantur Institute for Ecumenical Studies): “The Legacies of the Reformation: Paths Forwardâ€


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