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Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements

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Research focus on Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity, with a special interest in Asia, Africa and Latin America



Pentecostal and Charismatic movements represent probably the most dynamic forces in Christianity today. According to widely referenced, yet difficult to confirm estimates, about 20-25% of Christians globally subscribe to Pentecostal and Charismatic beliefs and practices; most of them in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This has major implications for Christian self-understanding outside Europe and North America, and the presence of these movements is also felt in the western world, not least due to migration. These fairly recent developments necessitate new approaches in the academic study of religious movements, and also lead to theological questions related to Christian identity and ecumenical cooperation.

Selected Activities

  • Acquisition of an extensive research library on Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity
  • Establishment and coordination of the German-speaking "Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreises Pfingstbewegung" (IAKP) (Interdisciplinary Study Group on Pentecostalism), networking research about Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in the fields of theology, religious studies, sociology, and psychology. The study group collaborates through a German speaking Internet site and regularly meets at workshops/conferences.
  • Participation in the "European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism" (GloPent), a European and multidisciplinary research network established in conjunction with anthropologists and theologians of the universities of Amsterdam and Birmingham. GloPent hosts regular conferences, pursues common publications and research projects, and facilitates academic exchange.
  • Development and maintenance of multi-user Internet platforms for the IAKP and GloPent, facilitating the networking of research and discussions of registered scholars. (see www.glopent.net and www.glopent.net/iak-pfingstbewegung)

Projects with External Funding

Dissertation Projects

See Dissertation Projects

Selected Publications

Michael Bergunder

  • The Cultural Turn [and studying global Pentecostalism]. In: Studying Global Pentecostalism. Theories and Methods. Ed. by Allan Anderson, Michael Bergunder, AndrĂ©e Droogers, and Cornelis van der Laan. Berkeley: University of California Press 2010, pp. 51-73.
  • The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the Twentieth Century. Grand Rapids/Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2008.
  • Constructing Indian Pentecostalism. On Issues of Methodology and Representation. In: Asian and Pentecostal. The Charismatic Face of Christianity in Asia. Ed. by. Allan H. Anderson und Edmond Tang. Oxford 2005, 177-213.
  • From Pentecostal Healing Evangelist to Kalki Avatar. The Remarkable Life of Paulaseer Lawrie alias Shree Lahari Krishna (1921-1989).  In: Christians and Missionaries in India. Cross-Cultural Communication since 1500, Ed. by Robert Eric Frykenberg, London 2003, 357-375.
  • The Pentecostal movement and Basic Ecclesial Communities in Latin America. Sociological theories and theological debates. In: International Review of Mission. Geneva. 91: 2002, 163-186.
  • Miracle Healing and Exorcism: The South Indian Pentecostal Movement in the Context of Popular Hinduism. In: International Review of Mission. Geneva. 90: 2001, 103-112.


Jörg Haustein

  • Writing Religious History. The Historiography of Ethiopian Pentecostalism. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2011. (Studies in the History of Christianity in the Non-Western World; 17)
  • "Embodying the Spirit(s): Pentecostal Demonology and Deliverance Discourse in Ethiopia," in Ethnos. 76/4 (2011): 534-552.
  • "Die Pfingstbewegung als Alternative zur Säkularisierung? Zur Wahrnehmung einer globalen religiösen Bewegung des 20. Jahrhunderts," in Archiv fĂĽr Sozialgeschichte 51(2011): 533-552.
  • "Charismatic Renewal, Denominational Tradition and the Transformation of Ethiopian Society," in Encounter Beyond Routine: Cultural Roots, Cultural Transition, Understanding of Faith and Cooperation in Development; International Consultation, Academy of Mission, Hamburg, 17th-23rd January 2011. Hamburg: EMW, 2011. pp. 45-52. (EMW Dokumentation; 5) → pdf
  • "Die pfingstlich/charismatische Bewegungen als aktuelle Herausforderung der Ă„thiopisch-Orthodoxen Kirche," in Tradition und Wandel im Land der Königin von Saba: Ansichten aus und zu Ă„thiopien, ed. by K. PinggĂ©ra Hofgeismar: Evangelische Akademie, 2011. pp. 73-92. (Hofgeismarer Protokolle; 356)
  • (with Anna Quaas) "Die Pfingstbewegung," in Kirchen und Konfessionen, ed. by  M. MĂĽhling. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009. pp. 169-184. (Grundwissen Christentum; 2)
  • (Ed. in collaboration with Michael Bergunder:) Migration und Identität. Pfingstlich-charismatische Migrationsgemeinden in Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main: Lembeck, 2006. (Beihefte der Zeitschrift fĂĽr Mission; 8)
  • Pfingstbewegung und Identität im Kontext äthiopischer Migranten in Deutschland. In: Ibd., 107-126. [PDF]


Yan Suarsana

Additional Information

(see German page for more information)


Discovering Chinese Pentecostalism
Gastvortrag von Allan Anderson zur chinesischen Pfingstbewegung
Neuerscheinung: Philippinen, Pentekostalismus & Politik
Giovanni Maltese
Archivierte Mitteilungen, Tagungsprogramme und -berichte
Neuerscheinung: Handbuch pfingstliche und charismatische Theologie
SchlĂĽsseltexte pfingstlicher Theologie, erstmals in deutscher Ăśbersetzung und mit einer umfassenden EinfĂĽhrung in pfingstliche Theologie
Neuerscheinung: Geisterfahrer zwischen Transzendenz und Immanenz
Maltese, Giovanni. Geisterfahrer zwischen Transzendenz und Immanenz: Die Erfahrungsbegriffe in den pfingstlich-charismatischen Theologien von Terry L. Cross und Amos Yong im Vergleich. Bd. 61. Kirche – Konfession – Religion. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress, 2013.
Neuerscheinung: Writing Religious History. The Historiography of Ethiopian Pentecostalism