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Christianity in South Asia

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Research focus: Theology and History of South Asian Christianity




Current Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Projects

Selected Publications

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The developement of South Indian Christianity is the result of many proceses of transformation. The embedding of Christianity into the complex cultural and religious environment of South India is of interest to mission studies and intercultural theology. There is also a focus on present developements in South Indian Christianity, such as the growth of Pentecostalism, within the mission research of the department.


  • See Projects with External Funding
  • Cooperation with the United Theological College of Bangalore (India) and the Tamilnadu Theological College of Madurai (India), in association with the Protestant Missionary Society in South West Germany (collegiate and professorial exchange, publication projects).

Current Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Projects

Selected Publications

Michael Bergunder

  • Miracle Healing and Exorcism in South Indian Pentecostalism.
    In: Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Healing. Ed. by Candy Gunther Brown. New York: Oxford University Press 2011, S. 287-306.
  • Constructing Indian Pentecostalism. On Issues of Methodology and Representation.
    In: Asian and Pentecostal. The Charismatic Face of Christianity in Asia. Ed. by Allan H. Anderson and Edmond Tang. Oxford 2005, 177-213.
  • The "Pure Tamil Movement" and Bible Translation: The Ecumenical Thiruviviliam of 1995.
    In: Christians, Cultural Interactions, and India's Religious Traditions. Ed. by Judith M. Brown and Robert Eric Frykenberg. Grand Rapids/London 2002, 212-231.
  • Proselytismus in der Geschichte des indischen Christentums. Eine ökumenische Bestandsaufnahme.
    In: Mission und Gewalt. Der Umgang christlicher Missionen mit Gewalt und die Ausbreitung des Christentums in Afrika und Asien in der Zeit von 1792 bis 1918/19. Ed. by U. v. d. Heyden and  J. Becker. (Missionsgeschichtliches Archiv; 6). Stuttgart 2000, 371-384.
  • Christian Friedrich Schwartz (1726-1798) in German mission literature.
    In: Christian Fredrick Schwartz. His Contributions to South India. Ed. by D. Jeyaraj. Chennai 1999, 37-57.
  • Die sĂŒdindische Pfingstbewegung im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine historische und systematische Untersuchung.
    (Studien zur Interkulturellen Geschichte des Christentums; 113). Frankfurt am Main 1999.
  • (Ed.:) Missionsberichte aus Indien im 18. Jahrhundert. Ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr die europĂ€ische Geistesgeschichte und ihr wissenschaftlicher Quellenwert fĂŒr die Indienkunde.
    (Neue Hallesche Berichte; 1). Halle 1999.


Yan Suarsana

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