Startseite > LGF-Promotionskolleg > Workshop und Vortrag von Andreas Nehring, Erlangen
  • Workshop und Vortrag von Andreas Nehring, Erlangen

    2. Mai 2016, organisiert vom LGF

    Andreas Nehring is professor for Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology at the University of Erlangen in Germany since 2005. He has previously worked and studied in India and Japan. He researches, teaches, and publishes in areas such as modern Hinduism, Western Buddhism, method and theory of religion, postcolonial studies, intercultural theology, and mission-history. Among his publications are "Orientalismus und Mission" (2003) and "Religious Turns – Turning Religions" (2008). Among his recent publications is a German volume on Postcolonial Theology (2013), as well as a German translation of "Gayatri Spivak, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason" (2013).

    Workshop "Postkoloniale Religionswissenschaft"

    2. Mai um 16:00 im Karl Jaspers Centre, Raum 002/Library


    Prognosis of Decline - Coping with the Future: Reforms in 19th Century Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar 
    The lecture deals with the encounter of Theravada Buddhists with the West and specifically with Christian missionaries under colonial domination in Myanmar (Burma) during the second half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. It will be argued that this encounter has contributed to the development of a lay meditation movement, which has emerged in a situation of risk and a feeling of decline of Buddhist values.
    2. Mai um 18:00 im Karl Jaspers Centre, Raum 212


    Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies
    VoĂźstraĂźe 2
    Building 4400
    69115 Heidelberg, Germany