Current Research
Research foci and fields of study in the Department of Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology
Major Fields of Study
- Issues related to theory and methodology
- Modern South Indian religious history [more...]
- Esotericism and New Religious Movements in a global context [more...]
- Pentecostal/Charismatic Christianity, with a special focus on Asia, Africa and Latin America [more ....]
- Christianity in South Asia [more...]
Current Projects with External Funding
- (New) Research training groups with fellowships funded through the LGFG program: Global religious history from a regional perspective: Historicizing and decentering religious identities in the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries." - 'Western' and 'Eastern' wisdom. The influence of Anna Kingsford und Subba Row on the teachings of the Theosophical Society and on the Secret Doctrine
- MC7.1 "Religion and Politics" and "Church and State"
- Politics and Society in Filipino Pentecostalism on Negros (Oriental) [more ...]
Previous Projects with External Funding
- The position of Emanuel Swedenborg within the Enlightenment and esoteric discourses of the 18th century [more ...]
- The contemporary encounter between Buddhists and Christians in Thailand [more ...]
- The discourse on non-Brahmanical rituals and their transformation within the South Indian history of religions since the 18th century [more ...]
- Religion, caste and nation: discourses of identity and power in
Telugu journals of the 19th and 20th centuries [more ...]
- Transnational Nigerian Pentecostal churches, networks and believers in three Northern countries [more ...]
Current Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Projects